Our services

At Basswood Residence, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to empower individuals and enhance their quality of life. We believe that every person is unique, and their journey towards independence and well-being should be equally unique. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs and aspirations of the individuals we support. Here's an overview of the services we provide:

  • BI (Brain Injury)
  • CAC (Community Alternative Care)
  • CADI (Community Alternative for Disabled Individuals)
  • DD (Development Disabilities) EW (Elderly Waiver).

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Supporting special needs adults, elderly, people with chronic illnesses, and others with various challenges with 24-hour Emergency Assistance, Homemaker Services, Individualized Home Support, Night Supervision, Positive Support Services, Respite Waiver Services, and more.


Individualize Home Supports (IHS)​

At Basswood Residence, we offer Individualized Home Support (IHS) with training and without training for individuals seeking to enhance their independent living skills. Our program is tailored to provide comprehensive training and support, equipping clients with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead a more self-sufficient and fulfilling life. We understand that each person’s journey is unique, and our IHS program is designed to empower clients by offering personalized guidance and assistance. Whether it’s learning daily life skills, managing household tasks, or fostering a greater sense of independence, our dedicated team is here to provide the support and encouragement needed to achieve these goals.

Integrated Community Supports (ICS)

We provide apartments and multi-family housing to adults and provide support and training for adults with needs arising from developmental disabilities, brain injury, and other disabilities. In-home support is available for up to 24 hours.

Housing Stabilization Services (HSS)

Basswood Residence champions the right for individuals, including those with disabilities, to reside, work, and engage in the communities they desire, even when obstacles may exist. We acknowledge the challenges, including housing issues, budget constraints, and social interactions, that can make this pursuit difficult. The stability of affordable housing is a cornerstone of the well-being of our clients. Our staff is dedicated to assisting individuals with disabilities and seniors in securing and maintaining stable housing.


Employment Exploration Services

Employment Exploration is a program designed for individuals who are considering opportunities in the community workforce. It provides participants with the chance to tour various job sites, engage in job trials, and acquire valuable volunteer experience. Through these hands-on experiences, individuals can explore different work environments, understand job responsibilities, and assess their interests and skills, ultimately helping them make informed decisions about future employment opportunities in the community.

At Basswood Residence, we are committed to helping individuals achieve their goals, build independence, and experience a life filled with hope, dignity, and purpose. Our services are designed to make a positive impact on your journey.

Why Choose Basswood Residence Services?

Community Connection, and Compassionate Support

  • Individualized Care: Our person-centered approach ensures that services are customized to each client’s unique requirements and goals.
  • Community Integration: We believe in fostering a sense of belonging and facilitating community connections for our clients.
  • Compassion: Compassion is at the core of our services. We genuinely care about the well-being of the individuals we serve.

Referral Form

Please feel free to contact us to learn more about how we can support you or your loved one on the path to a brighter future.